Monday, August 23, 2010


I have an eating disorder, and it's called binge eating. I always knew it was in there, and came out to visit when something went wrong. But, I've recently noticed it comes out when everything is completely okay. As I sit back and think about it, something finally occurs to me. It's a HUGE, blinking neon sign that says - Quit being so fixated on what you can and can not eat!!! I tend to hit the diet so hard and so extreme, that I finally fizzle out; and the fizzle is more like a gigantic sonic boom of eating.

Through my whole life, I have been dedicated to doing everything right, even perfectly if possible. Obviously, I've created some stress fractures over time, and they are opening up wide in the form of eating whatever I can find. I can't keep doing this. I can't tell myself, "you can't have this," or, "you're not allowed." I have to allow myself a little flexibility if I ever intend to truly succeed.

In my first two years of college, I was the healthiest, and weighed less then I ever imagined possible, and in no way was I an extremest about my diet. I ate small meals throughout the course of the day, and had a little ice cream when I felt like it. I hit the gym just like I do now, but in all honesty, maybe a little less. And, I was in amazing condition. It's time to realize that's where I need to go. I don't need to starve myself on 1200 calories a day, and I don't need to completely pull myself off anything and everything that is 'bad' for me. I just need to relax a little, cheat (a little) when I need to, and move forward knowing I can have whatever I want, but I chose to listen to my body and eat only when I'm hungry. And when I'm hungry, only eat until I'm full. I can do this!

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Another Inch Off the Pants Size!

Although it's beyond hot outside, and the last thing I've wanted to do is hit the gym, I've continued to keep my schedule up and it is paying off. Though the weight still isn't falling off me like I want it to, I am continuing to tone up and lose inches where it counts. In fact, I bought new jeans over the weekend and they are another inch smaller! So, even though I'm not seeing it on the scale, at least I'm fitting into smaller clothes!

Tomorrow starts my first set of double days, so we'll see if any results come from the new schedule. I will be adding in two to three mornings a week thanks to my bestie signing up at my gym and being a major morning person (which I am not and need the encouragement). I will head in at 5:00 and get in 45 minutes to an hour of good cardio, and then will head back again after work to get in a full lift and abs session. Hopefully this is the little extra cardio I need to get myself the rest of the way to goal. We shall see.....

This weeks workouts:
Monday - Chest, tri's, core and 30 mins of cardio
Tuesday - Back, shoulders, core and 30 mins of cardio
Wednesday - Morning: Cardio 45-60 mins; Afternoon: Bi's, tri's, core and 30 mins of cardio
Thursday - Morning: Cardio 45-60 mins; Afternoon: Legs, core and 30 mins of cardio
Friday - Cardio (1 hour) and core
Saturday - Yoga
Sunday - Rest

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Cleaning Amazement

Throughout my life, I've been one of those people that seems to go through spurts when it comes to keeping a clean house. Sometimes I'm all over it, and others, it looks like I live with a group of twenty-something frat boys. For a little over a month now, I've definitely stayed on the side of clean and tidy.

As I jumped off the couch to go clean the tub, I realized something... It's 8:45 at night, I worked all day, went to the gym, and am still completely okay getting off the couch to go scrub the tub. And, if I had to take a gander as to why I'm completely okay doing this, it's because I actually have the energy to do it. And... the reason for that is because I'm fit and active again!

In my past, every time I've been unhealthy, I was exhausted, lethargic and down right spent at the end of the day. After sitting around all day eating unhealthy food; I wanted to do nothing other than sit at home in front of the TV as soon as I got off work. Since I've gone back to healthy living, everything, including cleaning, is so much faster, easier, better.

Go figure... healthy life = more energy = clean home. Yes! Everything seems to finally be falling into place. It's amazing what some major life changes will really do (especially for my house).